Being part of the NEAR Contributor Program means that we believe that you have lots of value and expertise to bring to the community and ecosystem.


As part of the Contributor Program, you will belong to a selected group of bright people around the globe, who came together to educate about Web3 & NEAR. We want you to publicly represent NEAR, meaning that you will be listed on the website, you can share your knowledge and understanding and speak on our behalf.

Collaborate with other contributors

We highly encourage you to engage with other contributors on our Portal.


Contribution rewards

Bounties that are posted in the Open-Contributions Topic on the Portal

These bounties will have a fixed amount that is set by the person, who provided the bounty. If you completed the bounty like described, you should receive the full amount that was placed on the bounty.

Contributions that you have identifies and decided on by yourself

Once you have posted your contribution on our Portal, an admin will take a look provide you with credit. The amount you will receive per contribution varies between 100 and 3k NEAR tokens.

This will vary depending on

Additional referrals rewards
